

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Boston Marathon bomb victim pictured in shocking aftermath photo had both legs amputated, says father

Boston Marathon bomb victim pictured in shocking aftermath photo had both legs amputated, says father

Jeff Bauman says his son, 27-year-old Jeff Bauman Jr, is the man in an Associated Press photo taken shortly after the bombing
Shocking image: Jeff Bauman Jr is taken away from the scene by medics
Shocking image: Jeff Bauman Jr is taken away from the scene by medics
The father of a man who was photographed being pushed away from the Boston Marathon bombing in a wheelchair says his son has had both legs amputated.
Jeff Bauman says his son, 27-year-old Jeff Bauman Jr., is the man in an Associated Press photo taken shortly after the bombing.
His father says on his Facebook page that his son had to have both lower limbs removed at Boston Medical Center because of extensive vascular and bone damage.
He says his son also had to have another surgery because of fluid in his abdomen.
Bauman says his son was there to watch his girlfriend run. She was not hurt.
He says his son was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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