

Monday, 4 February 2013

I Apologize!!!

Hello Nigerians,

Before i say congratulations to the Nigerian "Super" Eagles and indeed all Nigerians, let me first tender my unreserved apologies to the team - for my utter faithlessness in their abilities; even though they did not give us much to hope for with their previous games.

You know, a popular sports journalist in Naija always says - blessed are they that are not expectant, for they shall not be disappointed -
so, i was doing my heart a favour.

The Super Eagles were awesome on the day; playing as though they were on "something". I am really very proud of my Team - Now i can dare to think that we can win the cup.

I also want to specially thank my team for shutting up the very mouthy Emmanuel Eboye; i am sure he now Knows that Nigeria has a lot of beautiful players apart from mikel obi.

You can join me as i start popping champagne in celebration of our victory in the finals of the tourney... 

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